This is TeX, Version 3.141592 (MiKTeX 2.4) (preloaded format=plain 2006.11.10) 25 JAN 2007 12:48 **hw2 (hw2.tex (C:\Program Files\MikTeX\texmf\tex\amstex\base\amstex.tex AmS-TeX- Version 2.2 Loading definitions for misc utility macros, page layout, accents/punctuation, line and page breaks, figures, comments, math spacing, fractions, smash commands, large operator symbols, integrals, operator names, multilevel sub/superscripts, matrices, multiline displays, continued fractions, compound symbols, various kinds of dots, special superscripts, \text, math font commands, \newsymbol, bold Greek and bold symbols, Euler fonts, math accents, roots, commutative diagrams, poor man's bold, syntax check, ... finished) (C:\Program Files\MikTeX\texmf\tex\generic\dvips\epsf.tex This is `epsf.tex' v2.7k <10 July 1997> ) [1] ) Output written on hw2.dvi (1 page, 2732 bytes).